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14 Feb - 1 Jun 2025
Amsterdam Museum on the Amstel

    23 Jun 2023 - 21 Jan 2024

    Amsterdam Museum on the Amstel

    Gay Games 1998

    Collecting the City #3

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    Bodybuilders Gay Games 1998

    23 Jun 2023 - 21 Jan 2024

    Amsterdam Museum on the Amstel

    Collecting the City #3: Gay Games 1998

    Collecting the City is an exhibition series in which the Amsterdam Museum, in collaboration with various communities and organizations, “collects” and presents the vibrant city of Amsterdam. Each edition consists of a few mini-expos that together form a single exhibition.

    In this third edition we include a small exposition about the Gay Games, which were held in Amsterdam in 1998.

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    Deelnemersmedaille gay games 1998

    Marcel Wanders, participant medal (silver), 1998, photographer: Amsterdam Museum.

    Gay Games in Amsterdam

    The Gay Games is a sporting and cultural event held every four years for people from the LGBTIQ+ community, where everyone is welcome to participate. The concept originated in San Francisco in the 1980s. Following editions in San Francisco (1982 and 1986), Vancouver (1990), and New York (1994), it was Amsterdam’s turn to host the fifth edition.

    During the Gay Games in August 1998, LGBTIQ+ persons from around the world became the majority in Amsterdam’s city center. The more than 200,000 visitors put the city on the map as the gay capital of the world. The event led to heightened visibility for the LGBTIQ+ community and an overall atmosphere of friendship. The years-long struggle for recognition and acceptance seemed to have been won. Many who attended still regard the Gay Games 1998 as the best week of their lives. Which is reason enough to reflect on this event now, 25 years later.

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    Gay Games 25 years!

    This year marks exactly 25 years since the Gay Games took place in Amsterdam. Time to look back at this historic event. How did stakeholders Marischka Bours, John Avis and Niek van der Spek experience the Gay Games?

    Portret uit de tentoonstelling Gay Games 1998

    Old and new narratives

    IIn 1998, persons of color, as well as transgender, non-binary, and intersex persons, were less visible in Dutch society than they are today. This was also the case during the Gay Games—meaning that very few narratives such as these can be found in archives, and it’s not often spoken about.

    Besides existing material, new narratives were therefore actively sought out for this exhibition. Photographers Tengbeh Kamara and Jonnah Bron portrayed eight key LGBTIQ+ figures who share their memories of this celebratory week.

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    BC 02368 018

    Exhibition Gay Games 1998, 2023, photographer: Francoise Bolechowski.

    BC 02368 019

    Exhibition Gay Games 1998, 2023, photographer: Francoise Bolechowski.

    Tentoonstelling zaal collecting the city amsterdam

    Exhibition Gay Games 1998, 2023, photographer: Francoise Bolechowski.

    BC 02368 068

    Exhibition Gay Games 1998, 2023, photographer: Francoise Bolechowski.

    Opening tentoonstelling Gay Games

    Exhibition Gay Games 1998, 2023, photographer: Francoise Bolechowski.

    BC 02368 070

    Exhibition Gay Games 1998, 2023, photographer: Francoise Bolechowski.



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    Collecting the City #3

    Until 2025, this is where the Amsterdam Museum will 'collect' and present our vibrant city, in collaboration with various parties and groups in the city. During this period, neighborhood museums, community networks, local artists, and passionate residents will share objects and stories about Amsterdam. Every half year, new contributors are invited to showcase their ideas—whether it’s a fresh perspective on the past, a beautiful or painful moment in the present, or a new vision of the city for the future. The Museum om de Hoek foundation, comprising 23 local museums throughout Amsterdam, is a permanent partner in this endeavor. They have a total of three rooms at their disposal.

    The other small exhibitions of Collecting the City #3:

    • Toko Mokum
    • Operation Living 
    • Women of the city
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    Made possible by

    The exhibition was created in cooperation with IHLIA and Queer Amsterdam, among others, and was created in collaboration with guest curator Feargal Agard, director of Humans of Film Amsterdam, and Initiative Group Gay Games Amsterdam 1998-2023.

    The exhibition is made possible in part by VSBfonds, Gemeente Amsterdam, Vriendenloterij, het Blauwe Fonds, Fundatie van den Santheuvel, Sobbe, Gravin van Bylandt Stichting, Mondriaan Fonds, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Trutfonds

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