Edition #4 (summer 2025, forthcoming)
In summer 2025 AMJournal launches Edition #4 (online open access)
Coexistence, coproduction and cooperation are vital ingredients of (contemporary) cities. This edition of AMJournal reflects on collectivity, collections, and representations of community. How does co-creation influence the way we perceive our common interests? And how are coexistence, coproduction and cooperation (re)presented in the stories of cities? To answer such questions, the fourth edition of the online, open access, peer reviewed Amsterdam Museum Journal (AMJournal) invites you to explore the co-creation in/of our cities. We invite scholars from all disciplines to investigate coexistence, coproduction and cooperation within cities worldwide, to further the understanding of co-creation processes, products and effects, with equity, reciprocity, empowerment, and belonging at the center.
Suggested Themes: Activism | Art | Belonging | Care | Change | Collecting | Communities | Education | Empowerment | Environment | Equity | Ethics | Heritage | Impact | In/exclusion | Methodologies | Reciprocity | Representation | Technology | Theories | Tools.
***please note: the submission deadline has closed***
Edition Editors
Guest Editors
Vanessa Vroon-Najem
GL Hernandez
Emma van Bijnen
Board of Editors
Judith van Gent
Norbert Middelkoop
Tom van der Molen
External Board of Editors
The editorial board is supplemented by an extensive international external editorial board comprised of scholars from various academic fields and disciplines:
Pablo Ampuero Ruiz; Rowan Arundel; Sruti Bala; Markus Balkenhol; Ellinoor Bergvelt; Christian Bertram; Stephan Besser; Carolyn Birdsall; Cristobal Bonelli; Pepijn Brandon; Petra Brouwer; Chiara de Cesari; Debbie Cole; Leonie Cornips; Annet Dekker; Christine Delhaye; Brian Doornenbal; David Duindam; Karwan Fatah-Black; Maaike Feitsma; Wouter van Gent; Javier Gimeno Martinez; Sara Greco; Suzette van Haaren; Laura van Hasselt; GL Hernandez; Pim Huijnen; Julian Isenia; Paul Knevel; Gregor Langfeld; Mia Lerm-Hayes; Virginie Mamadouh; Julia Noordegraaf; Esther Peeren; Gertjan Plets; Menno Reijven; Jan Rock; Noa Roei; Bert van de Roemer; Margriet Schavemaker; Britta Schilling; Steven Schouten; Irene Stengs; Eliza Steinbock; Dimitris Serafis; Sanjukta Sunderason; Rebecca Venema; Tim Verlaan; Janessa Vleghert; Daan Wesselman; meLê yamomo; Mia You; Emilio Zucchetti
Editorial support
Isabelle Vaverka (graphic design); Patrick de Bruin (graphic support); Sigi Samwel (visual editor); Imogen Mills (polylogue editor); Jari Lemmers (editorial support)