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Amsterdam Museum on the Amstel

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Amsterdam Museum presents program for 2024


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In 2024, several exhibitions are scheduled for the Amsterdam Museum, both in the building on the Amstel and in Huis Willet-Holthuysen. Among other things, 2024 will focus on the role of women in our collections and the significance of Piet van Eeghen for the history of Amsterdam.

Tja Ling werk 1

Collecting the City #4

23 February 2024 until 5 January 2025 - Amsterdam Museum aan de Amstel

From 23 February 2024, until 5 January 2025, a new edition of Collecting the City will be on view at the Amsterdam Museum on the Amstel. For the fourth time, the museum and the city will join forces to highlight stories from Amsterdam. The participating partners in this edition are Kazerne Reigersbos, Ongekend Zeedijk, and Museum om de Hoek.

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Louis Wegner Portretfoto van Christiaan Pieter van Eeghen Stadsarchief

The Amsterdam of Piet van Eeghen: How A Merchant Changed the City

29 March until 30 June 2024 - Amsterdam Museum aan de Amstel

The nineteenth-century businessman and philanthropist Piet van Eeghen left his personal collection to the city, which is now kept at the Amsterdam Museum. As the author of initiatives behind the Vondelpark, the Prinsengracht Hospital, and housing projects in the city, he left his mark the city. The exhibition regards Van Eeghen as an Amsterdam benefactor, art collector, and banker. One of the ways he earned his wealth was through trade with the colonies. What does this mean for our contemporary view of his philanthropic work? And what roles did women have in his activities?

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Partners Gezichten van Noord Holland foto Francoise Bolechowski

Faces of North Holland

26 juli 2024 t/m 10 november 2024 - Amsterdam Museum aan de Amstel

Met Gezichten van Noord-Holland breiden het Frans Hals Museum en het Amsterdam Museum hun portretcollectie uit. Beide musea trekken de provincie Noord-Holland in om nieuwe en diverse (groeps)portretten te maken en verzamelen van verschillende communities, in samenwerking met maatschappelijke en culturele organisaties. Alle inwoners van Noord-Holland zijn welkom. De verzamelde portretten krijgen niet alleen online een plek, maar ook middels een eindtentoonstelling in beide musea.

Vrouwen van Nieuw West, 2019, Willemieke Kars

Women of Amsterdam: An ode

14 December 2024 until 31 August 2025 - Amsterdam Museum aan de Amstel

In 2024, the Amsterdam Museum is rewriting the history of the city from a female perspective, leading up to Amsterdam's 750th anniversary. Starting in the spring of 2024, the museum is therefore calling on everyone to write a letter to a woman who has made the city what it is today. The letters will be collected on an online platform, which will further culminate in a publication, a podcast, a theater and television production and an exhibition, which will open its doors in December 2024.

Still on in 2024

Clinton Kabena Landed Rock 2022

Refresh Amsterdam #2

7 October 2023 until 25 February 2024 - Amsterdam Museum aan de Amstel

Refresh Amsterdam is a biennial presentation highlighting Amsterdam’s urban culture, with work by contemporary makers. The theme of this edition is War & Conflict. The exhibition at the Amsterdam Museum includes works by 20 artists from different disciplines, selected through an open call. Through their work, they demonstrate how wars and conflicts around the world and over time play a part in the city of Amsterdam.

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House of Vineyard showfoto ballroom dancing

Grand March: A Historic House through a Ballroom Lens

2 December 2023 until 26 May 2024 - Willet-Holthuysen House

From 2 December 2023, the Amsterdam Museum presents the exhibition Grand March: A Historic House through a Ballroom Lens. The exhibition is co-curated by House of Vineyard, the first ballroom house in the Netherlands. In the rooms of the Willet-Holthuysen House, an Amsterdam Museum location, House of Vineyard exposes the power of ballroom culture with thrilling fashion interventions and art installations.

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Kunstwerk vrijheid poppetje met vlag

ELJA Kindermuseum

9 December 2023 until 31 March 2024 - Amsterdam Museum aan de Amstel

During the period 2023-2025, Amsterdam children at the Amsterdam Museum will have the opportunity to help think about the city museum of the future. The ELJA Children's Museum project consists of lab sessions in all city districts, exhibitions and a children's sounding board group and director. With this, Amsterdam's city museum aims to gain insight into what the ultimate museum for and by children looks like. The artworks created during the eight lab sessions will have a place in the Garden Entrance of the Amsterdam Museum from December 9 to March 31, 2024.

Amsterdam Museum aan de Amstel fotografie Olivier Groen

Public programming

Also in 2024, the Amsterdam Museum offers public programming at various locations and for a diverse audience. Some of these programs tie in with the exhibitions mentioned above. Examples include symposia, talks, workshops, film screenings, performances and evening openings. In addition, specific programs are organized to tie in with current events or special moments, such as Keti Koti and May 4 and 5. In 2024, the Amsterdam Museum will also continue the monthly New Narrative Tours, Queer Gaze Tours and Female Gaze Tours, which invite visitors to view the collection from different perspectives. In addition, new formats for the public program will be developed, including around music and food culture.

The Amsterdam Museum is structurally supported by Main Beneficiary Gemeente Amsterdam, Founder VriendenLoterij and Main Partner Education ELJA Foundation.

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