Statue Sunday: a statue blindfolded for climate crisis
Appeared on:
wo 1 november 2023, 15:00 hour
Don't turn a blind eye!
In collaboration with Scientist Rebellion - the scientific sister organization of Extinction Rebellion - the Amsterdam Museum is joining Statue Sunday: a global action where statues are blindfolded to demand that politicians no longer remain oblivious to scientific facts concerning the climate crisis.
From Museumnacht on November 4 through Sunday November 12, the sculpture Michiel Adriaensz de Ruyter (1607-1676) will be blindfolded. This statue can be seen in the exhibition Panorama Amsterdam.
Why Michiel de Ruyter?
The statue of Michiel de Ruyter was a conscious choice: the depletion of the Earth has a long history, one in which he also took part. Even though De Ruyter sailed by ship, itself a very sustainable mode of transit, his naval wars protected and advanced the Dutch (colonial) trade network. Amsterdam grew rich from this trade, but at expense of overseas communities and raw materials, Today, world powers continue to place capitalist interest before people and nature, while those at the helm stand idle.
Watch the video and join the march
In this video Maren de Wit (curator at the Amsterdam Museum) and Bouke Jung (PhD student at the University of Amsterdam and member of Scientist Rebellion) tell you all about this blindfold action. Stop by the museum to see the blindfolded Michiel de Ruyter and join the March for Climate and Justice that will take place Sunday November 12.
In the future, the Amsterdam Museum and Scientist Rebellion will collaborate more often during public programs. Do you want to join? Sign up for the newsletter and stay informed.