Featured - Continue this thread
Continue this thread

Continue This Thread
Embroidery, knitting, and crochet: techniques of the past? These crafts are finding their way back onto the catwalk, into the streets and on social media. It connects, gives strength and helps express emotions.

Continue This Thread. Karim Adduchi x Tess van Zalinge
In Continue This Thread, Amsterdam-based fashion designers Karim Adduchi (1988) and Tess van Zalinge (1989) explore the power of craftsmanship as guest curators. Starting from their own vision, they make connections between the collection of the Amsterdam Museum, work by Amsterdam makers and complement it with their own creations.

Art in short about Karim Adduchi
Karim Adduchi (1988) garnered success in recent years through the way he translates traditional techniques from his native Morocco into haute couture. He works with different communities worldwide, from those fleeing their homeland to experts on classical Moroccan embroidery techniques. Encounters and connections such as these guide his collections and projects.

In this video, Roberto talks about the work "Social [Distancing] Fabric" by designer Karim Adduchi. This work is a collaborative embroidery project started in response to the March 2020 COVID-19 lockdown.

Tess van Zalinge
Tess van Zalinge (1989) works at the intersection of couture and ready-to-wear, giving ample attention to craftsmanship, sculptural forms, and sustainability.

Delfts blauw
A hint of “Delft Blue” with a contrast of functionality and sensuality. Teaming up with ceramics producer Royal Delft, Tess van Zalinge launched the collection porceleyne fles (2017), for which she transforms things like the iconic image from Johannes Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring into a sensual, knitted dress.

Van Zalinge had the dress knitted in eight shades of blue at the Textile Museum in Tilburg. It has become one of her most popular creations.

Geschapen land
With the collection 'geschapen land' (2016), Tess van Zalinge debuted at Amsterdam Fashion Week that year. She drew inspiration from the Dutch landscape, in which low-hanging clouds dialogue with endless green fields, with the occasional electricity pylon breaking this silhouette.

This exhibition was on view through Sept. 3, 2023

Strength and connection in crafts

"The struggle for universal suffrage was absolutely spearheaded, also in the Netherlands. The Vereeniging voor Vrouwenkiesrecht had numerous local chapters, including in Amsterdam. The banner of this association dates from the first quarter of last century."