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Featured - The Polylogue

AM Journal

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What is the journal?

Amsterdam Museum Journal (AMJournal) is a scientific journal that is published twice yearly on the Amsterdam Museum website. Every edition researches a theme through different lenses and disciplines. The first edition looks at the effects of war and conflict on urban spaces. These stories exhibit parts of the polylogue, a roundtable discussion war, conflict, the city, and the current affairs surrounding us now.

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The Effects of War and Conflict

In this roundtable, speakers from various disciplines and perspectives talk about war, conflict and their effects on cities such as Amsterdam. The expert participants examine how the current war in Ukraine has awoken the public’s consciousness of war, as well as highlighted various biases. Together they reflect on the positionality and responsibility of institutions when it comes to crises, the dangerous reproduction of tropes, as well as self-reflection as a slow process of change. The conversation was moderated by Imara Limon (curator) and features Sahar Shirad (legal professional), Jolle Demmers (professor), Chris Keulemans (writer), and Fatima Warsame (journalist).

Quote Sahar Shirzad
Read more from Sahar here
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Call for Papers

calls on all scholars to submit their abstracts for the second issue of the online, peer reviewed Amsterdam Museum Journal, devoted to the impact of gentrification in urban spaces (published diamond open access in 2024).