IMG 4207

Stories of Arrival

Verhalen van Aankomst- muurschildering


BC 02496 39

As part of the Amsterdam Museum's Collecting the City program line, the AZC hosted activities and workshops in which residents could participate. 


7 A5838 F1 3 E2 F 42 DF A5 D2 6 FA435 E2 ECE1
BC 02496 58

Together with artist Anouschka Boswijk, AZC residents created this mural with a timeline. The timeline shows different themes related to flights to the Netherlands, through the centuries.


340 D47 AC A616 4079 B60 F 2 BF1 FC0758 D4

Photography by: Aleyna Yildiz and Francoise Bolechowski

For more information