7 okt 2023 - 25 feb 2024
Publieksprogramma Refresh Amsterdam #2
War & Conflict

7 okt 2023 - 25 feb 2024

OSCAM is collaborating with Esmeralda Tan and Sakir Khader in the coming years on the OSCAM exhibition series 'What's the 411'. They had their opening on November 28, 2023 at OSCAM. Together with Esmeralda OSCAM will explore the role of media in relation to imaging people of colour. How are they shown? What stories are and are not told? How are the creative visions and work of makers of colour handled? To what extent does the media contribute to representation or, on the contrary, to stereotyping? The beautiful black and white pop-up exhibition will be on display at OSCAM until January 19, 2024. In 2024, OSCAM will continue to share and showcase more about the exhibition series ‘What’s the 411’.
Partner: OSCAM
Address: Bijlmerplein 110-111, 1102 DB Amsterdam
Admission: Free
Diaspora Dialogues: Kostbaar Kosovo
Pakhuis de Zwijger, 22 februari om 20.00 uur
In de derde editie van de Diaspora Dialogues nodigen we de Kosovaarse gemeenschap uit. Kosovo heeft de jongste bevolking in Europa. Het is een land in ontwikkeling, maar ook een land met een heftige geschiedenis. De diaspora is altijd leidend geweest en is onlosmakelijk verbonden met Kosovo. Alle Kosovaarse Albanezen die buiten Kosovo wonen koesteren een band met hun land van herkomst. Dat zie je terug in alles wat ze doen. De meeste oudere Kosovaarse Albanezen leven met hun hart nog in Kosovo. Hoe zit dat met de generatie van nu? Tijdens deze avond gaan we in gesprek over de huidige staat van het land, de rol van de Kosovaarse diaspora in Nederland en de toekomst van Kosovo. Is de toekomst rooskleurig of zijn er veel redenen om cynisch te zijn?
Diaspora Dialogues is een serie programma’s gecreëerd door Pakhuis de Zwijger om de diverse diaspora’s binnen Amsterdam en Nederland een platform te bieden. We nodigen leden van verschillende diasporische gemeenschappen uit om hun ervaringen in Nederland te delen, zowel positief als negatief, en om in dialoog te treden over de onderwerpen die bedoeld zijn om binnen de gemeenschap zelf besproken te worden. Deze dialogen zijn bedoeld om deza gemeenschappen in de schijnwerpers te zetten en discussies op gang te brengen over onderwerpen die relevant zijn voor de diaspora’s.
Partner: Pakhuis de Zwijger
Datum: 22 februari, 20.00 uur
Locatie: Studio PDZ, Pakhuis de Zwijger
Voertaal: Nederlands
Prijs: Gratis, graag reserveren

(Unseen) War and Conflict
Rijksakademie Ship, February 21 and 22, 7 PM - 9 PM
(Unseen) War and Conflict is a two-day forum and film program that focuses on the city of Amsterdam and aims to show the complexities of how conflict and war are experienced. We will share, listen and discuss different ways of oppression that have been normalised and even institutionalised in society, giving light to the -most of the times unseen- inner struggles of how communities and individuals have been dealing with political and social crises in their daily lives.
This two-day programme started as an initiative of some of the artists participating in the Refresh Amsterdam #2: War and Conflict exhibition together with some Rijksakademie resident artists and team, as a response to the institutional invisibilisation of the many ongoing human crises still occurring outside the centres of (mediatic) power. Questions on the position of art-thinking and making as activism in front of socio-ecological crisis, the agency of images and imagination as critical stance of mediatic manipulation, as well as how war and conflict are continuously embodied and experienced in the temporal and spatial distance of the territory in conflict, will be addressed.
This event is part of the public programme of Refresh Amsterdam #2: War and Conflict. This edition of Refresh Amsterdam addresses the impact of international war and conflict on the contemporary city, particularly its inhabitants and social structures. Amsterdam has long viewed itself as a city of freedom and a place of refuge. But what does war do to a city and our social intercourse? Why do certain wars and conflict situations generate more solidarity than others?
Practical information
Date: February 21 and 22, 7 PM - 9 PM
Location: Rijksakademie Ship, Sarphatistraat 470
Entrance: Free, donations welcome*
Language: English
*Door donations and drink/food sales during the programme will be destined to cover emergency medical care to pregnant women, the sick and seriously injured in Gaza, through Doctors without Borders.