Ode to the women of Tuindorp Delicious: Rhea Cachola, Nani Saragih en Alganesh TsegaiTuindorps finest

Tuindorp Delicious, from left to right: Alganesh Tsegai, Rhea Cachola en Nani Saraghi, photographer: Raymond van Mil
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These three women are entrepreneurs in Amsterdam North, professional caterers with a social mission. They have their own eatery on Zonneplein and work for big festivals to make money. And they make good and healthy food accessible to people with too little money and give cooking workshops to the elderly and young people. They also work with businesses and food initiatives.
See the collective's website: Tuindorp Deli-Cious.
Here you'll find an interview with Rhea Cachola.
2022– 2024
Ode by Nies Medema to the women of Tuindorp Delicious.
Professional caterers in Amsterdam North with a social mission. They make good and healthy food accessible to people with too little money, among others, and they give cooking workshops to the elderly and young people. In doing so, they work together with companies and food initiatives.

the women of Tuindorp Delicious: Rhea Cachola, Nani Saragih en Alganesh Tsegai
Professional caterers in Amsterdam North with a social mission. They make good and healthy food accessible to people with too little money, among others, and they give cooking workshops to the elderly and young people. In doing so, they work together with companies and food initiatives.