Cooperating as a partner
Together, we enrich the story of Amsterdam
Do you also feel that women have not received enough attention so far in the story of Amsterdam? Do you engage with this topic on a daily basis? Or do you have a space and community and are you seeking ways to generate content and activities? We will gladly work with you and your institution or network as part of the project Women of Amsterdam - an ode.

Want to join as a partner?
Let’s work together
Send us an email at Please tell us about how and when you would like to join the project. We look forward to hearing from you!
Please email us at We look forward to hearing from you!
Are you having difficulty making progress, or would you like to discuss something? Feel free to email us at, and we will gladly assist you.
The project is made in collaboration with, among others: de Alliantie Acties voor Zichtbaarheid, Amsterdam 750, Atria, Buurthuis Lydia, Café Saarein, Closed on Monday, De Blijfgroep, De Zaak Muurbloem, Fixdit, Geheugen van Oost, Gemeente Amsterdam (afdeling Diversiteit & Inclusie), Het geheugen van West, Jeugdtheaterschool, Museumnacht Amsterdam, Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam (OBA), Pakhuis de Zwijger, PAN Asian Collective, Public Art Amsterdam, Read My World Festival, ROC Amsterdam Zuid, ROSE stories, Souk Amsterdam Arabic Festival Soroptimist International, Stadsarchief Amsterdam, Stadsdeel West, Stichting van Gisteren, Stichting lezen, Stichting Prismagroep, The Black Archives, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Via Rudolphi, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, WBooks and many other partners in the city.
Made possible in part by
The Amsterdam Museum is structurally supported by Main Beneficiary Gemeente Amsterdam and VriendenLoterij & Main Partner Education ELJA Foundation.
The project Vrouwen van Amsterdam - een ode was created with support from the Cultuurfonds, Fonds21, Cultuurloket DigitALL, Mondriaan Fonds, Nederlands Letterenfonds and Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie.
The digital platform was developed in collaboration with Bravoure. The campaign and the project's special visual identity were developed by Isabelle Vaverka.