Ode to Els KloekWomen in the spotlight

Els Kloek with book 1001 women, photo Monique Kooijmans
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I am writing an ode to Els Kloek. The publication of her book ´1001 Vrouwen' was graced with an exhibition in the Allard Pierson Museum and the book was presented there. Marieke Bemelman, head of PR, saw the opportunity to also add a tour to the program and asked me to put it together. I was at the beginning of my career as a guide and this request was a welcome opportunity to develop further. The tour started at the museum and ended at Central Station.
From October 4, 2018 to March 10, 2019, there was also the exhibition “1001 Women in the 20th Century” at the Amsterdam Museum. Almost 200 well-known and lesser-known women who, each in their own way, played a role in the 20th century were featured in the exhibition. The multitude of stories provided a surprising look at the history of the last century. Although the emphasis was on the past, the exhibition was extremely topical: even today, opportunities and obstacles for women are topics of conversation.
Ode by Yvonne Kroon (Guide on Women) to Els Kloek.
Els, along with co-authors, has spotlighted so many Amsterdam women, from all centuries, of all persuasions, activities and backgrounds.

Els Kloek
Else Margaretha (Els) Kloek (Leiden, July 18, 1952) is a Dutch historian and writer.